I fell for these chocolates at Halloween this year. My friend has a daughter who is allergic to everything, so she plans ahead and hands these out! I also have a niece that is allergic to nuts and dairy so Halloween is always a little tough for her. I am a complete convert, and now that I know first-hand that halloween can be a tough time when you’re the kid that can’t eat most of the “good” stuff, i’m going to be spending a little extra money next year and handing these out.
Here are a couple important things about this company:
I’m an M&M connoisseur. I’ve tried every dye-free M&M that I can find, and these are hands down the BEST! My husband is far snobbier about his M&Ms than me and even he approved! Two thumbs up from the Johnson family!
They don’t have any of those weird ingredients or chemicals. It's so hard to find good chocolate without all the additives!
They have Chocolate Hanukkah treats! I’m sure this is very normal if you grow up on the east coast or something, but in Little Ole Portland, OR, I’m so happy to find such a resource!
In summary, they passed the 7 year old taste test and my niece was thrilled that she could eat every single one of the treats I laid out.
(They have these on Amazon, but here’s the link to their website so you can find all the options)
Amazon Link: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B081ZJ5DB1/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o08_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1